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Pam Bunka


Hero Story

Pam Bunka is more than a teacher; she is an encourager, a motivator, a mentor, a shoulder to cry on, and an important community member. If you know anyone from Fenton, Michigan, chances are they had Pam Bunka as a teacher. Serving the Fenton community since the 1970s, Bunka has been an English and Publications teacher for over half her life.

Bunka goes above and beyond the typical duties a teacher takes on in their life and cares deeply about her students. She cares if they succeed, if they fail, if they are happy, and if they are upset. Bunka sends students out in the world not only prepared with grammar skills and new writing techniques, but also feeling encouraged and most importantly loved. For 42 years Bunka prepared the youth of the Fenton community for life past school, empowering them to work hard, treat strangers with kindness, and change the world.

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Pam Bunka


Hero Story

Pam Bunka is more than a teacher; she is an encourager, a motivator, a mentor, a shoulder to cry on, and an important community member. If you know anyone from Fenton, Michigan, chances are they had Pam Bunka as a teacher. Serving the Fenton community since the 1970s, Bunka has been an English and Publications teacher for over half her life.

Bunka goes above and beyond the typical duties a teacher takes on in their life and cares deeply about her students. She cares if they succeed, if they fail, if they are happy, and if they are upset. Bunka sends students out in the world not only prepared with grammar skills and new writing techniques, but also feeling encouraged and most importantly loved. For 42 years Bunka prepared the youth of the Fenton community for life past school, empowering them to work hard, treat strangers with kindness, and change the world.

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