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Crawford Christian Help Center


Hero Story

The Crawford County Community Christian Help Center began as a food pantry in 1992 when area churches came together to fill a need in the community. During COVID-19, the Help Center continued to serve all of Crawford County, just in a different way. Usually, clients come to the food pantry and they choose the food they want to take home. When restrictions came and didn't allow for people to enter the food pantry, the brave volunteers took the food to them. Clients would drive up in their vehicle and were given a shopping list of items to choose from. A masked volunteer would take that shopping list and fill boxes for the clients. The boxes were then placed in the back of the vehicle and the client could return home.

The amazing volunteers continued to follow the CDC guidelines with masking, hand sanitizing, and maintaining 6' distance from clients. At the same time, they were still able to provide this much needed service to a struggling community. Without the wonderful volunteers at the food pantry, many in our community would have gone hungry during the pandemic. Many in our community lost jobs, children were not able to get free lunches because the school was closed, and seniors were not able to eat at the senior center. The Help Center continued to provide food to anyone in need throughout the entire pandemic. The Help Center has now reopened but continues to follow guidelines for masking, hand sanitizing, and social distancing. All of the volunteers are fully vaccinated. We will continue to serve our community!

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Crawford Christian Help Center


Hero Story

The Crawford County Community Christian Help Center began as a food pantry in 1992 when area churches came together to fill a need in the community. During COVID-19, the Help Center continued to serve all of Crawford County, just in a different way. Usually, clients come to the food pantry and they choose the food they want to take home. When restrictions came and didn't allow for people to enter the food pantry, the brave volunteers took the food to them. Clients would drive up in their vehicle and were given a shopping list of items to choose from. A masked volunteer would take that shopping list and fill boxes for the clients. The boxes were then placed in the back of the vehicle and the client could return home.

The amazing volunteers continued to follow the CDC guidelines with masking, hand sanitizing, and maintaining 6' distance from clients. At the same time, they were still able to provide this much needed service to a struggling community. Without the wonderful volunteers at the food pantry, many in our community would have gone hungry during the pandemic. Many in our community lost jobs, children were not able to get free lunches because the school was closed, and seniors were not able to eat at the senior center. The Help Center continued to provide food to anyone in need throughout the entire pandemic. The Help Center has now reopened but continues to follow guidelines for masking, hand sanitizing, and social distancing. All of the volunteers are fully vaccinated. We will continue to serve our community!

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