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Jackson Community Foundation


Hero Story

Jackson Community Foundation (JCF) serves the Jackson community by distributing grants and scholarships to local nonprofits, teachers, and students. The service extended to the community began in 1948, and since then they have made an impact on countless residents.

In the early days of the pandemic, JCF distributed community needs grants and created a COVID-19 response team to distribute food and basic need items. During the pandemic, they have been a vital part of the community, assisting with urgent needs and providing positive news. Community Foundations should uplift the communities they serve, and during COVID-19 when Jackson needed them most, JCF was there.

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Jackson Community Foundation


Hero Story

Jackson Community Foundation (JCF) serves the Jackson community by distributing grants and scholarships to local nonprofits, teachers, and students. The service extended to the community began in 1948, and since then they have made an impact on countless residents.

In the early days of the pandemic, JCF distributed community needs grants and created a COVID-19 response team to distribute food and basic need items. During the pandemic, they have been a vital part of the community, assisting with urgent needs and providing positive news. Community Foundations should uplift the communities they serve, and during COVID-19 when Jackson needed them most, JCF was there.

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